Imagine a World where material resources are used in a way that meets the needs of modern society AND respects the finite limits of the planet.
My Circular World

80,000 tons of trash floating around in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Most of our stuff is not designed to be reused or recycled. And even if it were - there is no effective way to collect it or sort it all out. Which is why we end up with things like. . .
The dirty little "secret" about single stream recycling is that it doesn't work...
Nearly 150,000,000 TONS of garbage buried in landfills in the US each year
40,000,000 yearly TONS of plastic waste, of which 2,000,000 (5%) is recycled
Our existing waste management systems were designed to treat the symptoms of waste, not address the root of the problem. Reversing our addition to waste starts with buying goods that were designed to be part of a cycle - and perpetuates by keeping them within those cycles instead of landfills - otherwise known as the circular economy.
MCW is your guide to the circular economy.
Buying circular doesn't mean anything if your stuff ends up in a waste stream.
Recirculate: Resell, exchange/trade-in or donate things that still work but you no longer need.
Repair: Do it yourself or hire a pro to repair, refurbish and restore things that no longer work.
​Recycle: Beyond repair or reuse? Return it to the company that made it or a recycling facilitator.
Repurpose: AKA the Upcycle, revitalize the old by transforming it into something new.
A catalog of products that were designed to be part of a circular economy.
Reduce their Impact: Minimal virgin resources, no single use packaging, organic & natural materials, renewable energy sources used during production.
Reuse the Product: Designed for durability, built to last, easy to repair, maintains a solid value in secondary markets, there are platforms available to resell it.
Recycle the Material: Component materials can be separated, they can be recycled into materials of equal value or composted, means of recycling are available.

The circular economy is far from a perfect system, but it gets better with every company that decides to adopt its principles. Here you will find the ones that already have, along with the resources you need to ensure your stuff stays part of the circular economy long after you're done using it. ​